Activating the lid/locker will allow you to pack the infirmary/laboratory for transport. In approximate chronological order: A number of other mods were used alongside FWE during it's development. Following this method will make FWE much easier to uninstall as well. Generally, you'll find the wasteland to be a more dynamic but far less forgiving place. "Placed" drugs have not been removed, so there are still some up for grabs but they will not respawn.

BrokenSteel.esm Primary Needs allows you to bottle water from most water sources. I need the ammo id's for fallout 3 wanderers edition like the 7.52 ammo for the m60. Mike prepares for a long journey by clearing out Springvale Elementary. A combination of many Fallout 3 mods that together increase the challenge, sense of immersion, and depth and breadth of options of the original game. Found on the wanderer near Roosevelt Academy. Activate the placer to to enter the set up menu.

I don't think TTW is overrated, honestly it's a stroke of genius to put fallout 3 and fallout nv together since they run on the same engine, also I love TTW because I could actually play fallout 3 since. EVE.esp Combat is now a brutal affair- increased global damage and reduced player health mean a lot more ducking and covering, and oftentimes a lot more pain. For an in-depth description of these changes, please refer to the Detailed Description section. allows you enable/disable "triage" as well as define a triage hotkey. When opening the triage menu, you will have three choices depending on what perks you have, how injured your limbs are, and whether you are in combat or not. Added an option to CRAFT medical braces and surgical supplies, IF you have the wasteland doctor perk, courtesy of razorwire. Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition is the result of a lot of hardwork from a number of modders. The wanderer's leather armor is repairable with typical leather armor and confers a +10 small guns bonus to its wearer.